2024 Galleries

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Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Yi-Chen Wu - H2Oloop
Design Type:
Company / Organization / School: Ming Chi University of Technology
Team Members: Wu Yi-Chen, Li Chih-Yun, Chen Zih-Jin, Lin Yu-He, Chuang Chu-An, Prof. Li Kai-Chu

H2Oloop is a shower system design that allows the cold water that would otherwise be wasted waiting for hot water in the pre-shower phase to flow into a storage area to wait for the hot water to finish heating before being thermoregulated, and the interface allows the user to set the temperature of the water used, visualize the current temperature of the water, and how the water is currently being heated. Data show that in waiting for the water out of the shower head to become hot this period of time will waste an average of 6 to 10 liters of water, so that the water back to the area before the thermostatic adjustment, so that it is used as a mixture of cold water and hot water, to achieve the sustainable use of water. The design of the intelligent shower system with temperature as the main axis also allows elderly people who are less sensitive to temperature or users with cardiovascular diseases or blood pressure problems who need to pay special attention to temperature to know the current temperature of the water through numerical means, reducing the risk of scalding and temperature fluctuations.