2024 Galleries

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Galleries // 2024 Spark:Spring Student // Chemical Spill Alert

Chemical Spill Alert


Competition: Spark:Spring Student
Designer: Zehui Ni
Design Type: Environmental Safety Design
Company / Organization / School: ArtCenter Immersion Lab

Across Europe, over 17,000 sites are contaminated with dangerous 'forever chemicals,' while in the U.S., more than 131 million residents live near hazardous chemical sites. Despite these alarming realities, residents are rarely informed about nearby chemical spill alerts. In the U.S., a chemical spill occurs every two days, yet the lack of communication and spill information leaves communities vulnerable and unprepared. This communication gap poses severe risks to public health and safety. Addressing this issue is critical to ensure that residents are aware of potential dangers and can take necessary actions for protection. By designing chemical spill alert systems and chemical risk transparency, we can safeguard our communities from the dangers of chemical contamination.