2024 Galleries

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Competition: Spark:Spring Student
Designer: woo jaemin
Design Type: Product & industrial
Company / Organization / School: Korea Design Membership Plus

When healthcare workers use syringes on patients, they should disinfect the skin with an alcohol disinfectant before injecting. In a hospital with a peaceful atmosphere where there is no need to respond quickly, problems do not arise during the process. However, in ambulances, emergency rooms, or other emergency situations where patients must be treated quickly, the patient's skin may become contaminated with infectious agents such as dust, sweat, or blood from syringes. The problem is that the above process can be difficult to perform properly. there is. At this time, in an emergency situation where medical staff do not have every minute and second, it takes a lot of time to individually disinfect the patient's skin using alcohol disinfectant pads. “AT ONCE” is a technique that allows you to perform this process in one go. This is a syringe for skin disinfection. This product can be used on firefighters who are injured by contaminants on their bodies at the scene of a fire, or on soldiers who are injured in the line of duty or who are seriously ill from allergies, toxic plants, or biological weapons during war.