2024 Galleries

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Galleries // 2024 Spark:Spring Student // Inspiration Space for Creators

Inspiration Space for Creators


Competition: Spark:Spring Student
Designer: Yu Jin Lee
Design Type: Concept
Company / Organization / School: Korea Design Membership +
Team Members: Minhwan kim, Min Wang, Yejin Jeong

Moa is a comprehensive solution designed to enhance the creative process by seamlessly integrating analog and digital recording methods. Through its innovative products and intuitive user interface (UI), Moa swiftly converts analog records, such as handwritten notes and sketches, into organized digital formats. This process is not only fast but also incredibly simple, allowing users to effortlessly transition between recording mediums. Moa's unique approach ensures that the strengths of both analog and digital mediums are utilized to their fullest potential. Analog records, known for their ability to capture deep and thoughtful insights, are quickly digitized and systematically organized. This organization allows users to easily access and utilize their records in an offline environment, maintaining the tangible feel of analog while benefiting from the convenience of digital storage and retrieval. The result is a creative environment that transcends traditional limitations, providing users with the ability to engage in optimal inspiration activities. Whether in the studio, on the go, or at home, Moa supports the continuous flow of ideas without the disruption of medium switching. Ultimately, Moa significantly enhances the quality of a creator's inspiration. By combining the best of both worlds, it maximizes creativity, allowing for more effective idea management and execution. Users find