2024 Galleries
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Galleries // 2024 Spark:Fall/Winter Student // Celestial Sojourn : Icarus Unleashed
Celestial Sojourn : Icarus Unleashed
Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Siyoo Choi
Design Type: Digital: Motion, Apps, Games
Company / Organization / School: Orange Cube Art
Team Members: Siyoo Choi
All the illustrations for the Icarus Project were drawn using the Procreate app on an iPad. I aimed to create illustrations with an ancient yet modern feel to match my reinterpretation of the Icarus story. I separated the illustrations into layers and used Adobe programs to add motion. To enhance viewer immersion and the artistic quality of the work, I made subtle movements in detailed parts. For example, in a scene centered on the monster in the middle of the labyrinth, I added a dynamic touch by making the monster’s body move slightly up and down and its tail sway gently side to side. To capture the unique element of Icarus’s wings melting away in the sunlight, I created an interactive experience in the story where elements appear and disappear. Viewers hold a red film sheet and follow the instructions to place it on and off the screen. When the red film is applied, the red-drawn elements disappear, while the black-drawn elements become visible, adding an engaging layer to the story.