2024 Galleries

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Galleries // 2024 Spark:Spring Student // Apresto Ice-cream

Apresto Ice-cream


Competition: Spark:Spring Student
Designer: Yoonji Lim
Design Type: Graphics: Print, Packaging
Company / Organization / School: Orange Cube Art

My favorite ice cream is not just a treat but a reflection of my emotions, offering comfort in times of need and celebrating joyful moments. Inspired by this personal connection, I embarked on creating my own ice cream brand. Each flavor's packaging is meticulously designed to convey distinct moods through patterns and colors. For instance, soothing pastels might represent calmness, while vibrant hues evoke excitement. This approach transforms ice cream into a medium for expressing a range of emotions. Whether it's the warm embrace of nostalgia in a creamy vanilla swirl or the exhilarating burst of joy from a strawberry sensation, every package tells a story. By visually capturing these feelings, the design enhances the sensory experience, making each scoop not just a taste sensation but a journey through emotions. Through my brand, I aim to share these emotional connections with others, inviting them to indulge not only in delicious flavors but also in moments of comfort, celebration, and everything in between. This venture celebrates the profound relationship between food, emotions, and personal expression.