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Galleries // 2024 Spark:Spring Student // Babel - Solution for Family Communication

Babel - Solution for Family Communication


Competition: Spark:Spring Student
Designer: Qianxi Hong - Babel - Solution for Family Communication
Design Type: Product & industrial, Digital: Motion, Apps, Games
Company / Organization / School: UWC Changshu China
Team Members: Tian Chen Haochen Zeng

Our project, "The Babel," is inspired by the timeless story of the Tower of Babel, symbolizing the breakdown of communication and understanding. In today's society, we observe that many young children endure significant stress, often rooting from conflicts with their parents. To address this, we designed a unique toy that serves as a bridge between parents and children. This toy encourages interactive play, fostering a healthy-family environment where both parties can learn to communicate more effectively. Through engaging activities, "The Babel" promotes speaking and listening skills, helping families to better understand each other's perspectives. Our toy is not just a source of entertainment but a tool for emotional and communicative development. It aims to reduce family conflicts and create a more harmonious household by facilitating open dialogue and mutual understanding. By addressing the core issues of miscommunication, "The Babel" aspires to bring about a positive change in family dynamics, ensuring a more supportive and carefree upbringing for young children. We believe that through this innovative approach, we can help families build stronger, more empathetic relationships, ultimately contributing to the well-being and happiness of children.