2024 Galleries

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Competition: Spark:Spring Student
Designer: Jaehyung Chu - Student
Design Type: Product & industrial
Company / Organization / School: Konkuk University, Korea Design Membership +

We live in the age of streaming. Physical media players have become obsolete, and it's now convenient to access and listen to music online. However, this invisible realm is causing environmental pollution. This arises from carbon emissions resulting from the energy consumption of data transmission and server maintenance by streaming companies, an issue that extends into the metaverse, making it impossible to ignore. The solution to this modern problem can come from a modern tool, artificial intelligence. ‘alva’ is a music player that repurposes forgotten data while offering new music listening solutions for background listeners. This approach not only addresses the issues in streaming services but also contributes to sustainability by reusing discarded data. ‘alva’ is a portable AI-driven offline music player. Equipped with an artificial intelligence chipset, ‘alva’ repurposes forgotten audio data in the background music listening mode to autonomously generate background music. This AI conducts deep learning within ‘alva’’s system, utilizing the reutilized data to generate real-time background music without runtime limitations.