2024 Galleries

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Galleries // 2024 Spark:Spring Student // Airdapt Inflatable Running Jacket

Airdapt Inflatable Running Jacket


Competition: Spark:Spring Student
Designer: Audrynn Street - Airdapt Inflatable Running Jacket
Design Type: Product & industrial
Company / Organization / School: Metropolitan State University of Denver

When running, temperatures can change drastically from the start of a run to the end. This makes it hard for runners to wear the proper layers to keep them warm at the start but not overheating by the end. This invention creates a form of insulation by inflating a jacket with warm air. This air is generated through a fan blowing between two layers of material. The material holds air but still allows sweat to escape for proper temperature regulation during exercise. The fan can be turned off to allow the jacket to deflate as needed for body temperature.