2024 Galleries

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Galleries // 2024 Spark:Spring Student // Design for Autism

Design for Autism


Competition: Spark:Spring Student
Designer: Design Team
Design Type: Concept, Digital: Motion, Apps, Games, Health & Medical, Product & industrial, Web, UX, UI, IXO, HCII
Company / Organization / School: Kyunghee University
Team Members: Minkyung Koh, Seohyun Park, Kyunghoon Lee

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is characterized by persistent challenges in social communication from early childhood. This lack of social engagement affects language development, leading to limited language use. To address this, we developed a product aimed at enhancing language skills . Using the Delphi method, we worked with seven ASD specialists to identify key features, emphasizing the significance of symbolic play in fostering communication, cognitive, and social skills. However, children with ASD often struggle, due to deficits in representational cognition. Therefore, traditional language teaching methods had to rely on operant techniques when teaching. Unfortunately, this is limited in developing natural communication skills in social situations. Research shows that structured environments with appropriate sensory cues enable ASD children to engage in symbolic play. Achieving this structured environment with existing products required parents to continually purchase various toys. Our solution integrates an application that can be updated continuously, reducing financial strain on families. We incorporated AR technology to deliver visual cues, capturing the interest of ASD children who respond well to visual stimuli. Designed for easy parent-child interaction, the product allows parents to easily participate. Featuring five sensory toys, it accommodates up to five users, promoting social cooperation.