2008 Galleries

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Galleries // 2008 Spark:Concept // Haptica Braille Watch

Haptica Braille Watch

Winner - Platinum

Competition: Spark:Concept
Designer: David Chavez
Design Type: Product, Universal
Company / Organization / School: Chavez Design

Haptica is a moveable Braille timepiece that provides a quick and accurate time reading. Current Braille timepieces only help the user orient the watch hands in relation to the watch face but can lead to an inaccurate time assessment. Digital devices use sound to communicate the time, thus inhibiting the user from checking their watch unnoticed. Haptica provides the perfect solution by displaying a real-time readout in Braille using a military time format. The wearer simply scans along the Braille channel with their finger to check the time. Research for this project was conducted with the participation of students and faculty at the Braille Institute in Anaheim, California to determine the needs of blind and visually impaired persons with regards to time keeping and to refine the ergonomic interface.