2009 Galleries

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Galleries // 2009 Spark:Concept // The Access

The Access

Winner - Silver

Competition: Spark:Concept
Designer: Ryan Eder
Design Type: Product, Gym
Company / Organization / School: University of Cincinnati

The Access is inclusive fitness equipment that accommodates those with various disabilities and able-bodied users alike. It bridges the gap between previously segregated users and provides an equal platform of fitness for all. Through universal design, The Access provides a non-intimidating, seamless interaction between user and machine. No longer does the user need to pull pins, pinch fingers, or contort their body in awkward positions to operate a machine. All of the touch points are designed to require little effort and minimum dexterity to operate. The Access was designed to enable the most limited user; an incomplete quadriplegic to independently exercise with ease. In addition, any users with alternative impairments such as paraplegia, amputees, cerebral palsy, stroke victims, or those with arthritis also benefit from the features.