2009 Galleries

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Galleries // 2009 Spark:Pro // Peregrine Wearable Interface

Peregrine Wearable Interface

Winner - Bronze

Competition: Spark:Pro
Designer: Wai-Loong Lim
Design Type: Product, Wearable
Company / Organization / School: Y Studios

The Peregrine is a wearable interface designed for Real-Time Strategy (RTS) and Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) games like Starcraft and World of Warcraft III played on the Mac and PC. The Peregrine is essentially a wearable input device with Touch Points located along the fingers of the glove. With it, gamers can command armies and cast spells with speed, accuracy and comfort. For example you can touch your thumb and tip of your index finger together to cast a fireball or macro a bunch of commands to that fingertip. The Peregrine can augment or even replace the keyboard in any gamer’s command center. It is an ergonomical alternative to the keyboard as the gamer can assume a more relaxed posture and sit in any position while using it. By removing a layer of hardware between the gamer and the virtual world, the user gain a more immersive user experience.