2011 Galleries

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Galleries // 2011 Spark:Concept // SEWR Water System

SEWR Water System

Winner - Silver

Competition: Spark:Concept
Designer: CASE & SOM Design Teams
Design Type: Universal Design
Company / Organization / School: Center for Architecture Science & Ecology & Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP
Team Members: Anna Dyson, Jason Vollen, Peter Stark & Matt Gindlesparger

The social, economic, and environmental impacts of water scarcity demand new methods of water resource management. Water reuse strategies are attractive in situations where available water supply is already exacerbated by rampant population growth. Since rainfall is an insignificant source of water in arid regions, conservation methods engaging prudent withdrawal from main water supplies must be utilized. Dynamic building water cycles present opportunities for water-savings through architectural form and the integration of multiple systems to conserve potable and non-potable water.