2012 Galleries

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Winner - Bronze

Competition: Spark:Concept
Designer: Mr. LUNAR Europe Design Team
Design Type: Product Design Concept
Website: http://www.wearefluid.com/

Currently training at home is a challenge: people do not like the clutter of today‘s gear in their living rooms. These objects end up in remote corners of the home, if they are purchased at all. No wonder training at home is not a celebrated activity. We picked up the challenge to transform perceptions of cycle training at home and create a new category of sculptural training equipment specifically designed for progressive living environments. The design took into consideration two possible scenarios: training and sculptural aesthetics while not in use. The cycle trainer needed to be practical gear and offer feedback to the user while training. The new experience would make cycling at home a celebrated activity that proudly reflects the users passion for their sport and lifestyle. Faced with the challenge of ill-adapted in-home training gear, we identified a ‘sweet spot’: the concept of creating sculptural, intriguing training objects which would celebrate the experience of home sport. Research of the existing market proved that this niche had been previously largely unexplored. Through an iterative process of team discussions, sketching, 3D CAD, prototyping and model making, we were able to conceive an aesthetic unlike anything existing today. Alongside the process of form development, we also considered what the UI of the future would be. Focusing on the experience rather than screens and numbers, intuitively and automatically tracking progress, and rewarding the user for meeting their goals- these were the benchmarks of success. We used high-end 3D print technology and video animations to make our vision of cycle training tangible, then refined the experience down to the last pixel and atom. A cycle trainer can be seen as a sculptural object, similar to a piece of furniture. We found inspiration in light structures that breathe an air of frozen dynamic tension. This new category of strong sculptural products is specifically designed for new progressive living environments. While small gauges currently offer the user feedback on conventional cycle trainers, we moved toward a large projected interface surrounding the trainee, giving him or her engaging performance feedback that speaks to the heart and mind. The sculptural appearance of the cycle trainer and its innovative interface provide a truly immersive experience, both physical and digital. The overall experience of training at home has been redefined: Vela transforms perceptions of training at home — moving it from a boring routine with equipment that wouldn’t be caught dead in a living room to a compelling experience based around beautifully designed, behavior-inspiring tools for a healthy lifestyle.