2014 Galleries

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Galleries // 2014 Spark:Concept // Net Rescue Boat

Net Rescue Boat

Winner - Silver

Competition: Spark:Concept
Designer: Jaehyo Lee - KDM
Design Type: Rescue Boat
Company / Organization / School: Yeungnam University
Team Members: Wonkyung Jang (Sangmyung University)

A lifeboat on the concept to dredge with a net. General lifeboat experiences many difficulties in the course of dredging a person who is drown in water. We suggest a lifeboat to more easily rescue a drown person by using a net by improving such portion. Reconnoiters nearby as a observation mode. Finding a drowning person, approaches slowly for rescuing. Places the person on the net. Rescue the drowning person by pulling the net from two sides.