2016 Galleries
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Galleries // 2016 Spark:Spring Concept // Smart Filter Mask
Smart Filter Mask
Winner - Bronze
Competition: Spark:Spring Concept
Designer: chang ho Lee
Design Type:
Company / Organization / School: Sangmyung University
Team Members: soong mi Park
This mask is a mask for the activity of people enjoying the journey. When traveling to China or India, where fine dust or yellow dust is severe, the traveler suffers many difficulties in breathing and eye protection. To solve this problem, the conventional disposable mask to design a filter removable mask. After traveling, simply washing with water, the filter can be re-worn anytime. There is a chip in the filter that can be linked with smart phones, when linked, it tells travelers to the state of air quality and the fine dust concentration in the travel area. There is a chip in the filter that can be linked with smart phones, when linked, it tells travelers to the state of air quality and the fine dust concentration in the travel area. In addition, it designed a removable glass top of the mask to relieve eyestrain and protect your eyes from sand, dust. Glass is not a problem with the visibility because it is a transparent material and it increased wear because travelers can use according to their head size with Velcro type. This mask is designed to focus on activity, sustainability, comfort than conventional mask.