2016 Galleries

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Galleries // 2016 Spark:Spring Product // Cadence Palladium Z1

Cadence Palladium Z1

Winner - Bronze

Competition: Spark:Spring Product
Designer: Lea Kobeli & LUNAR Design Team
Design Type: Product
Company / Organization / School: LUNAR
Website: http://www.lunar.com
Team Members: Travis Lee [technical lead], Terence Kwan [senior designer], Scott Janis [senior designer], Evelyne Chaubert [senior designer], Vijay Sekaran, [project manager]

Cadence’s Palladium Z1 is the first datacenter-class enterprise emulation system. The platform helps companies that manufacture computer systems, semiconductors, consumer electronics, or networking/telecommunications equipment to test and debug their products—significantly reducing their development-cycle, improving turnaround time, and allowing customers to address issues early-on. Palladium Z1’s ability to imitate software, hardware, and circuitry of products that are not yet commercially launched on the market is unmatched—delivering up to 5x better emulation throughput and 2.5x better workload efficiency than its closest competitor.