2019 Galleries

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Galleries // 2018 Spark:Fall Product // Nest Thermostat E

Nest Thermostat E

Winner - Gold

Competition: Spark:Fall Product
Designer: Kate Freebairn & Nest Design Group
Design Type: Smart Thermostat
Company / Organization / School: Nest Labs Inc.

Nest Thermostat E focuses on what you need to know. The current temperature and target temperature. When you walk up to it, it comes alive with a simplified UI that is soft and delightful. It blends together inviting curves, warm colors, frosted display an emotional UI - it’s a delight and a joy to use. It’s simple and intuitive - you just rotate the ring to turn the temperature up or down. In addition, changing the temperature is as simple as speaking saying ‘Hey Google, make it warmer’ to your Google Assistant enabled device.