2019 Galleries

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Air Stroller


Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Yunwoo Jeong - professor
Design Type: Transportation & Mobility
Company / Organization / School: UNIST
Team Members: Choeun Park, Jinhee Cha, Ga-eul Han & Prof. Yunwoo Jeong

Air Stroller always flies with a user within 4-5m radius, since it needs to give alarm to the user in case of emergency. This App gives alarm to the user if the dog goes toward the road or the dog suddenly barks, to protect the dog from dangers. The main function of the App is ‘Training mode’ & ‘Control mode’. Firstly, in the ‘Training mode’, user can train the dog to walk along with the drone. The drone pulls the leash oppositely or makes sound if the dog goes to the different direction. In case of dog doesn’t follow, user can also use snacks to lure him. Secondly, in the ‘Control mode’, user can control the drone directly or select ‘automatic stroll’ using the GPS. The GPS saves path when the user walks in a route she wants. This gives comfort to the user since she doesn’t need to care which way to walk.


"Fun concept --and setting shall be very accurate in order to ensure safety of the pet and the owner." Elena Rahho, www.herecreate.com