2020 Galleries

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Galleries // 2020 Spark:Fall/Winter Student // 1nt : a community planet

1nt : a community planet


Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Onejae Lee
Design Type: Digital: Motion, Apps, Games, Graphic
Company / Organization / School: Hoseo University
Website: http://design.hoseo.ac.kr/CmsHome/community_02.eznic
Team Members: Onejae Lee

1nt means the brightness of a star where people can find their own light.Statistically, people's depression continues to increase in the age of Untact. One of the many problems is that there is little room for communication, and there is nowhere to console their worries and wounds as a result of personalization. So we have developed a community-type game application that can comfort and overcome their wounds in mobile space. You can move freely through the lower right rudder. Various planets in the app have been developed in consideration of psychological aspects, travel, music, vibration and exploration. The basic space is the universe where people can talk. On animal planets, animals tell their own stories when they travel through the forest and touch animals. A music planet can play music according to its emotional state. A sea planet makes each creature feel its own vibration in the hand. A person who has overcome the wound by filling a 1nt gauge can become a counselor who consults others, or a content of a planet.