2021 Galleries

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Galleries // 2021 Spark:Fall/Winter Student // I Knew the Disease App

I Knew the Disease App


Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Sueun Shin
Design Type: Web, UX, UI, IXO, HCII
Company / Organization / School: Kumoh National Institute of Technology
Team Members: Sueun Shin

In December 2019, COVID-19 began to spread around the world, and people's interest in health increased day by day. As a result, many portal sites and institutions have created health-related apps or dashboards. However, there are various types of information desired, and there were many problems such as using various types of apps together or searching for data directly to use them all. To compensate for these problems, an effective comprehensive health service design that can enjoy all services at once using public data.