2021 Galleries

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L; Cam


Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Insu Jeong
Design Type: Product & industrial, Concept
Company / Organization / School: Korea Polytechnic University
Team Members: Insu Jeong

As COVID-19 reduces outdoor consumption habits and increases consumption habits at home, the food delivery industry is paying keen attention. As the delivery industry grows, various problems such as kitchen environmental hygiene and past food sales are drawing attention. I started the L;Cam with the question, "I wish I could experience looking around the kitchen online and offline." Due to the nature of the delivery environment, we cannot see the kitchen environment, so we aim to satisfy the needs of consumers and further provide a clean and reliable image of the store by solving questions about the cooked environment., and further provide a clean and reliable store image. I thought it was too much to target regular restaurants with L;cam's target. So, we targeted more professional luxury restaurants, children's restaurants, and restaurants that want to instill a trust image in consumers.