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Galleries // 2015 Spark:Product // Whirlpool DK-L3030 Air Purifier

Whirlpool DK-L3030 Air Purifier

Winner - Bronze

Competition: Spark:Product
Designer: Zha Xiao
Design Type: General consumer goods and appliances
Company / Organization / School: Whirlpool (China) Co., Ltd.
Team Members: Zhang Sen; Li Yi; Hao Hao

Innovation 1:DD inverter The only machine has self-developed DD inverter motor in the industry. 2、Concealed Outlet Design 3、Intelligent Operation Touch-sensitive operation and remote control APP can support appointment, monitoring, management and automatically adjusted operation status Usability 1: The metallic silver ion filter cover can be washed and reused, which greatly optimizes the utilization of the HEPPA filter. 2:Clamshell Structure Design Clamshell filter that can be replaced, is flexible to flip and easy to replace. Manufacturability The machine is manufactured by a combination of three sets of molds, 2: The air-out window (blue parts) uses ABS vacuum plating process. The front panel uses double injection molding process. Aesthetics 1、 Harmonious integration of hidden and visible elements The handle, air-in and air-out window, UI and trim are all designed hidden to achieve the simple and elegant style, communicating the “hidden” design philosophy. 2、 The philosophy of “Smooth” expressed thru the surfaces 3、 The philosophy of “flow” (inspired by the image of the ribbon-like river traveling through the mountains.)