2021 Galleries

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Galleries // 2018 Spark:Space // Wuhan Wushang Mall Cinema 9F

Wuhan Wushang Mall Cinema 9F

Winner - Gold

Competition: Spark:Space
Designer: Ajax Law - DESIGN DIRECTOR
Design Type: CINEMA
Company / Organization / School: One Plus Partnership Ltd
Team Members: Ajax Law & Virginia Lung

The designers adopted the rotating motion of film reels as the theme of this cinema. Huge round plates with 2.8 meter diameter are arranged across the ceiling to form an enormous ceiling feature. The plates are arranged to overlap each other closely, and are placed in various heights. The wood pattern and lighting effect create a sense of movement and suspension, resembling film reels frozen in the midst of rotation. Some plates descend and act as decorative screens to subtly separate the area. In the auditorium, ceiling and walls are covered with small brown discs made from sound absorbing panels, like film reels flying towards the audience.