2021 Galleries
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Galleries // 2021 Spark:Spring Student // DoraDora Package
DoraDora Package
Competition: Spark:Spring Student
Designer: Jiin Choi
Design Type: Packaging
Company / Organization / School: Hoseo University
Team Members: Jiin Choi
My package is about fried vegetable whirlwind-shaped snack. The name of the product is ‘DoraDora’. It means ‘turn and turn’ in Korean. I named based on the tornado-shape so that it could be easily reminiscent to people. The product is organic vegetable, so I designed the logo with a point of leaves. The package, I designed to look like a tornado with overlapping chips, taking advantage of the characteristics of the whirlwind-shaped snacks. In addition, I placed a large picture of the vegetable in the corner to show which vegetable was fried. Also, it is designed to be easy to take out and eat, and handles are designed to make it easy to carry around anywhere. There are four flavors of this package, sweet potato, carrot, radish, and parsnip. The colors vary depending on each taste, but they are designated as colors in a different color that come to mind when we think of the vegetables so that they can be easily distinguished not only by the image but also the color.