2022 Galleries

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Galleries // 2022 Spark:Fall/Winter Student // Always_for_clothes



Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Design Type: Product & industrial
Company / Organization / School: KOREA DESIGN MEMBERSHIP

Recently, modern people have become more interested in clothes management, and through products such as styler, There was a trend of wanting to wear clean clothes for longer. However, after wearing it, before washing it, it just distinguishes between color, underwear, and outerwear Other than that, we don't give care and attention.After I got dressed, I didn't take care of my clothes a lot In particular, clothes containing moisture were rarely dried and put in.The humid laundry basket creates a good environment for germs and fungi It causes damage to the fabric and prevents you from wearing clothes for a long time.Laundry baskets, which are not in the spotlight, have always been a supporting role hidden in the corner. So people would use anything as a laundry basket. So, it's a laundry basket made of clear appliances to make the laundry basket into the main character.