2022 Galleries

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Camera Bollards


Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Byeongcheol Lho
Design Type: Product & industrial
Company / Organization / School: SangJi University
Team Members: Byeongcheol Lho, Sanghwa Lee, Seokhyun Lee & Minchul Choi

57% of traffic accident deaths in Seoul, South Korea, were pedestrians, and 33% of traffic deaths were caused by jaywalking. As a result of the analysis of traffic accidents in Seoul, a camera-type bollard is needed to observe pedestrian and road surface data to reduce the occurrence of jaywalking traffic accidents in winter. Camera Bollard is a public design product designed for the safety of pedestrians on crosswalks in winter. Creased patterns are applied to create aesthetic designs without interfering with surrounding aesthetics. The interior has a high-performance camera for accurate observation and an internal joint that can provide upper rotation, allowing for a wider range of scans.