2022 Galleries

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Galleries // 2022 Spark:Product // Smart Posture Measurement BAREUM healthcare series

Smart Posture Measurement BAREUM healthcare series


Competition: Spark:Product
Designer: Jaeyong Seo
Design Type: Smart & AI home devices, Series Products, User-centric Design
Company / Organization / School: THKC Co.Ltd.
Team Members: Jaeyong Seo, Sujin Lee, Mingi Kim & Jeongmin Yang

Body imbalance causes many diseases and pain in the body, such as facial asymmetry, tortoise neck, straight neck, pelvis distortion, and scoliosis, so posture correction in daily life is essential. On the other hand, "BAREUM Series" has developed technology for smart posture correction equipment products for user convenience, combining and applying human-centered designs for users. "BAREUM Series" is an IoT, ICT smart technology-based attitude aid that guides posture measurement and correction on platforms that manage personal posture record, consisting of "BAREUM Bean(Integrated Postural Measurement Module)", "BAREUM P (Pelvic Posture Measurement)", "BAREUM C (Cervical spine Posture Measurement)", and "BAREUM APP (User Mobile App Service)". It also provides a universal design mechanism and a service platform that applies user experience.