2022 Galleries

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Oh! Toothpaste


Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Huiyuan Zheng
Design Type: Product & industrial
Company / Organization / School: University of the Arts London
Team Members: Huiyuan Zheng, Yuqi Ma & Yuyi Liang

In our daily life using toothpaste, we always squeeze it directly from the middle and upper parts for use, while the left parts of toothpaste at the bottom are often forgotten by us, resulting in waste. According to online data, 10 to 15 percent of each toothpaste is wasted averagely. Therefore we designed this children's toothpaste with a rounded shape on the bottom. By starting with the graphic sensitivity period of children's development, the raised circle attracts children to squeezing out the toothpaste at the bottom, we try to make children aware of not wasting toothpaste at the bottom by changing their behavior at an early stage.