2022 Galleries
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Galleries // 2022 Spark:Fall/Winter Student // a:cue - Blood Analysis Kit
a:cue - Blood Analysis Kit
Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Suhyeon Yun
Design Type: Health & Medical, Brand,Product
Company / Organization / School: Korea Design Membership Plus
Team Members: Suhyeon Yun, Jun Hyung Jeon & Dongsoo Kim
Women live their lives feeling uncomfortable distinguishing between conception and menstrual blood. Currently, pregnancy is checked with a test machine called a pregnancy tester, but this has a recommended period of use, which is inconvenient for the user. For women who do not want to get pregnant, we wanted to make a kit that could ensure that it is menstruation, and for women who are preparing to get pregnant, we wanted to make a kit to prepare for pregnancy in advance.This idea led to the creation of a:cue.