2022 Galleries

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Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Zhong Wei Lin
Design Type: Packaging
Company / Organization / School: National Taipei University of Education
Team Members: Zhong Wei Lin, Chang Hsun-Yu, Yu-Ting Chen, Yen Chang, Yu-Chieh Sun, Kai-Chieh Hsueh & Prof. Li Kai-Chu

SUPPLUS is a multi-functional relief supplies carton designed for war refugees or residents suffering from natural disasters. When the carton is delivered to the local area, it can be folded into a simple toilet to solve the health concerns and environmental pollution caused by the lack of toilets. The inner layer of SUPPLUS contains vegetable seeds. When the interior of the toilet is being filled up with feces gradually, it forms a good natural fertilizer which penetrates the inner carton to nurture these vegetable seeds. The vegetables will grow up into the outer layer in just 30 days, which can address the dietary needs of refugees.