2022 Galleries

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Galleries // 2022 Spark:Product // Non-Contact Magnet Blender

Non-Contact Magnet Blender


Competition: Spark:Product
Designer: Juhun Seo - NUC Electronics Co.,Ltd Product design team
Design Type: Kitchen, domestic & bath
Company / Organization / School: NUC Electronics Co., LTD
Team Members: Juhun Seo

Kuvings Non-Contact Magnet Blender is designed to show a sense of unity by intentionally hiding the boundary between the container and the body, breaking away from the traditional detachable design.non-contact magnet blender by Kuvings solves the problems caused by the existing gear shaft by connecting the container and the body using a magnet. In particular, the gear shaft friction noise generated during beverage manufacturing is reduced so that users can use the product more quietly and comfortably. The product was designed with a structure that can be safely washed down to the lower part of the blade.