2022 Galleries

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Galleries // 2022 Spark:Digital // Food for Thought Based Interfaces

Food for Thought Based Interfaces


Competition: Spark:Digital
Designer: Afshin Mehin - CEO
Design Type: Concept, Brain Computer Interface
Company / Organization / School: Card79
Website: http://card79.com
Team Members: Afshin Mehin, Austin Magin, Nicole Keegan, Vance Shek-Sheppard, Arash Malekzadeh, Levi Joo, Mark Choi & Dane Kim

Based on closely following new neuroscience we are developing, speculative user experiences enabled by Brain Computer Interface (BCI) technology. We created a concept video short called "A Day in the Mind" as well as a series of video prototypes to explore the different implications of the technology, realizing that we would have to make some wild guesses about the capabilities of the technology. BCI technology requires years of research and development before powerful consumer-based BCI products can ever be introduced to the public. However, as designers, it's essential to envision what types of experiences this technology would enable to create a human-centered future for BCIs. While we are excited about constructing thought based interfaces that will be made possible with BCIs, we also take an empathetic and value-driven approach to design and keep the user's best interests at heart by upholding transparency and autonomy. That is why we created Food for Thought Based Interfaces to explore how the user experience may look or feel while using BCIs, as well as see the human reaction to a complex technology that is seen as awe-inspiring by some people but terrifying by others.


"Interesting application of technology and User experience."