2023 Galleries

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Galleries // 2023 Spark:Fall/Winter Student // Highjacking Sports App

Highjacking Sports App


Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Hee Yeol Yang
Design Type: Concept
Company / Organization / School: Sangmyung University
Team Members: Hee Yeol Yang

Interest and importance in sports are increasing in modern society. As the number of people who support sports intuition is increasing, watching sports has become a trendy culture. Hijacking is a sports fan cheering product that presents another cheering culture to audiences who have newly entered the sports intuition culture and have enjoyed sports. You will experience various situations while watching the game, and there will be times when the team you support loses the game or needs a turning point to change the atmosphere of the game. At times like this, Hijacking can bring the flow of the stadium to us in an instant. The display located at the top of the product provides contextual icons that make it easy to understand the game situation. In addition, the on-site sound of the stadium is converted into decibels and transmitted to the user with vibration strength, and the intensity of vibration can be measured differently for each situation to increase audience immersion and excitement.