2023 Galleries

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Galleries // 2023 Spark:Fall/Winter Student // Edrop - Portable Cap Water Purifier

Edrop - Portable Cap Water Purifier


Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Hang Su
Design Type: Product & industrial, PRODUCT & INDUSTRIAL; CONCEPT; HEALTH & MEDICAL
Company / Organization / School: Politecnico Di Milano
Team Members: Hang Su, Pengyu Qu, Xinmo Li & Jinhui Xu

There are 785 million people worldwide lacking basic drinking water services, including 144 million people who are still drinking untreated surface water, causing bacterial infections and diseases. Such as diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, typhoid fever, and polio. They are often in poverty areas and cannot afford and maintain expensive filtration facilities, which requires designerly attentions. Edrop is a portable water purifier that allows users to obtain clean drinking water cheaply, quickly, and conveniently. Inspired by the form of an hour-glass, the unique two-way connector fits on most plastic bottle mouths. It can be used with any two bottles without the need for additional accessories or filtration devices. The two-way filter element ensures more thorough filtration, and the back-flush function (activated by squeezing the bottle) extends the service life of the filter element. It can provide clean water for multiple people in a short time and is easily stored for later use.