2023 Galleries

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Galleries // 2018 Spark:Spring Concept // Church of Ascent

Church of Ascent

Winner - Bronze

Competition: Spark:Spring Concept
Designer: Aryan Ron
Design Type:
Company / Organization / School: Ron Architects
Website: http://www.ronoffice.com

Our main challenge in designing this project was to achieve a suitable location in terms of visibility and maximum use of natural light, as well as providing convenient paths for customers to access, which, due to the unique features of people who visit the plateau and the surrounding mountains annually, we have tried to create an ideal environment for all visitors by providing the divers access forms (walking, rock climbing and cycling). Designing of this religious center, with the axis of ascension and faith, with simplest and purest features, with the use of indigenous materials as well as the access to the highest point of plateau (the metaphor of ascension and faith due to the difficulty of access to the building), was something much more difficult than our simple concerns about our other projects in the recent years. This was while we tried to pay attention to the integration of the different parts, during the design process. In a world full of modern congestion, the lack of religion and the roots of belief causes many religions to be forgotten, and the new generation of human beings are immersed in the pace of technological progress and the passage of time.