2023 Galleries

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W-S Cooling


Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Zhen-Yan Zeng
Design Type:
Company / Organization / School: Ming Chi University of Technology
Team Members: Zhen-Yan Zeng, Wen-Yeh Shiao Lin, Yi-Shan Zheng & Prof. Kai-Chu Li

W-S Cooling is a renewable energy generator that combines wind and solar power. It utilizes the generated energy to collect moisture from the air and spray it onto farmland for cooling, preventing heat damage to crops. The device features a wind tunnel hood and an Archimedean spiral fan blade, which not only improves power generation efficiency but also enhances the stability and structural strength of the fan while reducing noise pollution. Surrounding the wind tunnel hood are solar panels and a cleaning system, ensuring regular cleaning of the solar panels to maximize power generation efficiency. Inside the wind tunnel hood, there are air guides that direct the airflow to MOFs (Metal-Organic Frameworks) material, which absorbs moisture from the air. The absorbed moisture is then released by heating the MOFs material using the waste heat from the solar panels through heat pipes. The bottom part of W-S Cooling is equipped with an energy storage system, serving as an energy storage facility and creating a new form of symbiotic relationship between agriculture and electricity generation.