2023 Galleries

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Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Kim Subin - Warden
Design Type: Concept
Company / Organization / School: Korea Design Membership +
Team Members: Kim Subin & Park Jihoon

Every year in the military, accidents such as stepping on landmines and injuries caused by the blades of grass-cutting machines during vegetation clearance operations occur frequently. To address this issue, I would like to introduce a revolutionary solution called WARDEN, an innovative robotic system that takes over the task of vegetation clearance and provides advanced features such as pre-marking the locations of landmines.

WARDEN is a robot designed to prioritize safety and efficiency. It utilizes an intelligent system with Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) technology for mine detection, precise marking of mine locations, and excellent vegetation clearance capabilities. This allows soldiers to identify mine positions before commencing their work, enabling them to choose safe paths while efficiently conducting vegetation clearance and mine removal operations.

Equipped with high-speed data processing, advanced sensors, and artificial intelligence algorithms, WARDEN delivers optimal performance and rapid response capabilities. The name itself symbolizes strength and a guardian role, instilling a sense of security and trust among soldiers.

Therefore, WARDEN is expected to significantly reduce accident rates and injuries within the military while creating a safer and more efficient environment for vegetation clearance operations.