2023 Galleries

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Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Hyeon Joon Park
Design Type: Product & industrial
Company / Organization / School: Keimyung University
Team Members: Hyeon Joon Park, Goh Min Gyun, Yumin Jang & Yunkyung Yu

It is a smart robot product that can selectively use dehumidifying and humidifying functions depending on the amount of moisture in the air. The sensor at the top of the product measures the amount of moisture in the air while moving around the house, sets a time zone for each area, and activates the dehumidifying and humidifying functions. The product's two large oval-shaped holes function as a dehumidifier and humidifier, respectively. A dehumidifier sucks in cool, moisture-rich air from the top hole and expels hot air from the bottom hole. The hot air that escapes rises again, helping to increase the speed of air circulation. You can think of a humidifier as the opposite of this structure. Additionally, the water produced by the dehumidifier is stored at the bottom of the product. This stored water can be used in a humidifier, reducing water replacement cycles and reducing the number of times people refill water. In short, it means good fuel efficiency. The product has wheels on its legs for good mobility. The design process actively uses oval shapes and diamond patterns, giving it a futuristic and luxurious feel.