2023 Galleries

The Spark Gallery pages are one of our most popular design destinations, with thousands of visitors each year. Check out some of the latest Spark entries, in the galleries below.



Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Juhyeun Kwon
Design Type: Concept, Product & industrial
Company / Organization / School: Korea Design Membership+ / Yeungnam University
Website: https://www.behance.net/kwonjuhyeun/appreciated

NappyNest is a portable diaper-changing mat designed for easy transport and convenient diaper changing. NappyNest is a childcare product designed for busy parents, making it convenient to change a baby's diaper even while on the move. It features a foldable, bag-shaped design with storage and privacy capabilities. Parents can comfortably change their baby's diaper from anywhere in a safe space that feels like their own nest.