2023 Galleries

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Galleries // 2023 Spark:Fall/Winter Student // POB: Peace Of Bread

POB: Peace Of Bread


Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Eunhee Kim - POB: Peace Of Bread
Design Type: Digital: Motion, Apps, Games, Concept, Digital: Motion, Apps, Games
Company / Organization / School: Korea Design Membership Plus
Team Members: Sujin Lim, Minji Park

While the number of drug addicts in the younger generation is increasing rapidly around the world, solutions for their rehabilitation are insufficient.There are only two rehabilitation facilities for drug addicts in Korea, and facilities for their treatment cause the NIMBY phenomenon.Drug addicts miss their rehabilitation time due to poor conditions, even if they are willing to take short-term,Even if you are lucky to receive treatment, you will not be able to get out of the facility and receive continuous management, and you will be re-offending because you cannot endure the urge. 'POB' is a digital rehabilitation service that helps to continuously control drug impulses through healthy stimulation of daily life that replaces drugs. Piece of Bread presents a piece of warm bread that can restore peace to the daily lives of addicts.