2023 Galleries

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Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Choi Jihye
Design Type: Product & industrial
Company / Organization / School: Korea Design Membership +
Team Members: Choi Jihye, Jeonghyeon We, Doyeon Lee & Hyerin Lee

‘safe-ever’ is a home safety product that users can easily find in disaster situations. Currently, there are numerous safety items in houses, but they are often stored in drawers due to their mismatch with the interior. This takes unnecessary time to find safety supplies in a disaster situation. Safety supplies have been integrated with everyday items in the 'desk and front door' areas, allowing users to access them seamlessly along evacuation routes. [Earthquake] First product is used as a lamp on a desk. In the event of an earthquake, the lampshade can be used as a helmet. Also you can take out the flashlight and emergency radio. [Fire] Second product is placed as a bell at the front door. In case of a fire, you can open it and take out the 'breath towel'. The light can be worn around your neck, allowing you to have both hands free while evacuating. [Daily] If you cut yourself, you will look for tissues to stop bleeding. Based on this relationship, third product solved the cumbersome problem of finding and using a first aid box separately by combining it with the tissue box.