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Galleries // 2024 Spark:Spring Student // Onetwo : Sustainable Refrigerator for Gen Z

Onetwo : Sustainable Refrigerator for Gen Z


Competition: Spark:Spring Student
Designer: Seokoo Yeo
Design Type: Product & industrial, Sustainability
Company / Organization / School: Samsung Design Membership, Hongik University
Team Members: Haeri Ryoo Hyungwoo Lee Hyerhyn Park Seryeong Hong

While Gen Z appreciates sustainable dining practices, factors such as an overly packed fridge or unacknowledged efforts can demotivate them. Gen Z prioritizes actions driven by personal interest over obligatory sustainability. Hence, we suggest 'easy & cool sustainable dining'—something they 'want to' rather than 'have to'. Onetwo is a refrigerator that helps Gen Z embrace a sustainable dining culture in an easy and appealing manner. Onetwo introduces the concept of a 'Food Station,' emphasizing the efficient and temporary storage of food items. It features a designated 'Meal Prep' compartment, where 'Meal Prep' refers to a food storage container delivered through an app, allowing users to receive only the necessary ingredients for their planned meals. This prevents the refrigerator from being overly packed with ingredients, promoting a new approach to sustainability. Also, as it is designed for Gen Z, Onetwo allows users to move the fridge around and define their own space.