2024 Galleries

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Competition: Spark:Spring Student
Designer: Junming Kong
Design Type: Concept, condom
Company / Organization / School: Software Engineering institute of Guangzhou
Team Members: Creative Direction: Wu Fan,Hong Sizhan Design Execution: Hou Yuyan,Li Jiahao,Zhuang Weixing Concept design: Zhuang Weixing,Kong Junming, Fan Yulin Rendering execution: Yu Dongkun,Xian Shihong,HeYingxin

At present, the public's concept of "sexuality" is more tolerant, and at the same time, it is accompanied by the problem of sexually transmitted diseases, which seriously affects the stable development of society. In response to this problem, we designed a condom packaging called "Bravelove", which resembles a sweet candy wrapper, and is also a STD test kit, users can wrap the used condom in "Bravelove" and throw it away, if "Bravelove" changes color, it means that the sex has the virus that causes STDs or has HIV, it is a high-risk sex, go to the hospital for examination.