2024 Galleries

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Competition: Spark:Spring Student
Designer: Jiho Kim
Design Type: Product & industrial, Robotics, AI
Company / Organization / School: Korea Design Membership +

Existing urban vertical agriculture has had major economic and environmental problems, and the energy input and carbon dioxide emissions of vertical agriculture are about 60 times that of facility vegetables, which is rather less environmental than what is promoted as eco-friendly. SORIE proposes a new form of urban agriculture by breaking away from urban agriculture, which is not sustainable, by increasing the productivity of agriculture by reviving the land and restoring the health of the soil. Regenerative design is to provide a system solution that can understand the ecosystem itself, imitate the ecosystem, and achieve better results, away from the human-centered solution. In other words, it expands the concept from simply maintaining the environment to restoring the environment. Instead of chemical fertilizers that are harmful to the ground, SORIE plays a role in cultivating nitrogen-fixing plants that can continuously provide the nutrients needed for the soil and planting them in the places where they are needed through soil analysis. In this process, an AI system that judges and analyzes itself with the consciousness of being a land manager is introduced to create more efficient and reliable sustainability than humans.