2020 Galleries

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Galleries // 2020 Spark:Package // Pepsi Patriots Champions Can

Pepsi Patriots Champions Can


Competition: Spark:Package
Designer: PepsiCo Design & Innovation
Design Type: Packaging
Company / Organization / School: PepsiCo, Inc.
Website: http://http://design.pepsico.com
Team Members: Design & Innovation Team

The Pepsi Patriots Championship Can embodies what can be achieved by combining graphics, structure, design and tech to create an innovative and emotive take on football, by capturing the spirit of American football with key visual elements and the tactile feel of its iconic ball in the form of a beverage can. The team employed can-shaping technology and direct-to-shape (DTS) printing, resulting in a completely unique, premium, textured aluminum can that provides a multi-sensory consumer experience, and a prized memento.