2022 Galleries

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Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Dahyeon Kim
Design Type: Product & industrial
Company / Organization / School: Hongik University
Team Members: Dahyeon Kim

Today, with a variety of extensions and isolation coexisting, Filove is started by thinking about the scalable areas of design. As innovations that provide fun and comfort develop, what decreases is 'humanity'. I hoped the design will expand the area of "relationship and emotion", so I focused on "love" among various emotions. The original love began with "family," and for that "family love," constant exchange was needed. Among the various ways of interacting, the part where you can feel the warmth the most was 'voice and greeting'. Families who lived together and said hello everyday are separated according to their children's independence, then it is not easy to call everyday to say hello. So what if you face Filove at the moment you leave and come in? It is shorter and faster than the call. Filove expresses the simple function of recording and transmission in an analog design. All operations are possible with a single button, so you can use it intuitively. You will realize the importance of your family again through the automatic deletion function after 24 hours. Filove includes 'Family in love' and 'Feel love', meaning family full of love and me who feels love in it.