2022 Galleries

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Galleries // 2022 Spark:Fall/Winter Student // Fluctuation Scale

Fluctuation Scale


Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Huimin Zhou
Design Type: Product & industrial
Company / Organization / School: The Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts
Team Members: Wangyuqi\Oujunming

While using electronic scales, people are used to fixing their eyes on the numbers on the scale which constantly reaches their actual weight, in the hope that the final value can be within their expectation. In other word, the fluctuation of the numbers affects our moods. This design makes use of the rising and falling of the LED light across the scale surface to display the change of value. When the user first stands on the scale, the LED light rises from the bottom to fill the scale surface swiftly, and then slowly drops to display the final value. This design hopes to stimulate people's sense of nervousness and anticipation along with the change of the light, thereby prompting people to pay more attention to their own health indicators.