2022 Galleries

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Pet Fresh


Competition: Spark:Fall/Winter Student
Designer: Yu-Chieh Chien
Design Type: Product & industrial
Company / Organization / School: Ming Chi University of Technology
Team Members: Chien Yu-Chieh, Sun Yu-Chieh, Chou Yueh-Ju, Chang Yen & Prof. Li Kai-Chu, Johnson Controls-Hitachi Air Conditioning Taiwan

PET FRESH integrates air purifier, side tables, and pet bed, allowing small-space families to reduce the burden caused by the volume of existing home appliances and improve the problems caused by pet fur. PET FRESH can purify the home space, mainly remove dust in the air and germs on pets, capture small particles in the home space, reduce the probability of allergic patients, emit pet-friendly odor, and relieve pet anxiety symptoms, it can also alleviate the odor in the space. The Peltier cooler is introduced into PET FRESH, which can dissipate heat energy and converted into a heat source to keep pets comfortable.